Friday, June 3, 2016

Namor is back!

In recent years Namor has been one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. Mainly because of his role in the New Avengers during the Marvel Now era. if you have not read the Hickman Avengers books from that era I highly recommend it. With the news today that Namor is back in the hands of Marvel for the MCU it makes me very excited for what is to come.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Lights, Camera ... Action!

I just recently picked up a light box, so I have been messing around taking a bunch of pictures. I am only using my iPhone 6 currently, I know not the most professional. As I do it more I will upgrade to a real camera, right now I am testing different backdrops and light set ups. Any advice would be great if you have any to offer. Anyway here are some pictures I have done, enjoy!