Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Thank you for creating this world

I find that many know of Hellboy, but have never read it. This is most likely due to the movies which did a decent job of capturing the heart of the book. I do feel that anyone who is a comic fan or likes the movies should give these books a shot. Not only is it a fantastic universe that Mike Mignola has created but his art is stunning and helped define the series. So why do I bring this up? Because Hellboy just ended / has been put on pause while creator Mike Mignola takes a break.

Hellboy is a series that deserves to be read and is one of my favorites. The series has gone through a lot and had several spin off titles flushing out the universe. The world Mignola has created is dark and full of mystery. If you want to get into the series I would recommend picking up the Library Edition of the books , they are hardcover and over sized Over sized editions are a favorite of mine , it lets you experience the art on a much larger scale. Mignola's art will draw you in and keep you wanting more, he breaks up his compositions with stark blacks for shadows setting the feel of the book. His art style is very unique.
 Unfortunately he does not draw the entire book, several volumes in Hellboy breaks off from the B.P.R.D. creating two series. Mignola at this point stepped back from drawing the book and continued to write the story for both books. He would occasionally come back to lend his art talents to the series but they did find good artists to continue the tone he set in motion. A shift in artists can sometimes cause me to lose interest with the book, this was not the case with Hellboy and B.P.R.D. The subject matter is not like any other book I was reading and continued to hold my interest.
                                                                       With Mignola leaving the comic industry to focus on painting I feel comics have suffered a great loss. A unique voice has been lost and hopefully he will return after some times passes. I understand that he has been involved with the industry for many years and a break can be a good thing. Personally I will be looking forward to the art he puts out and hoping that one day he will return to the universe he created.
 Have you seen Mignola's art before or read his books? Will you give them a try now? In the future I plan on going more in depth with his work, the news today just made me want to bring some attention to his work.

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